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Tag Archives: security

Ansible Playbook to Create Windows Ansible User (bootstrap)


In my last post, I looked at setting up WinRM to give Ansible remote access in to a Windows computer. Presumably, one would use a regular administrative account to do so. However, there are some reasons a regular user account would be less desirable. Namely, that in the Ansible hosts file, the password has to […]

KeeFox is cool


I’ve been using KeePass 2 for a while now. It’s really cool and portable and safe etc. However, it doesn’t integrate with Firefox. Until now: A talented developer has a plugin for FireFox called KeeFox. It’s really cool. Here’s a screenshot: KeeFox essentially over-rides Firefox’s native password database. Instead, all passwords go to and from […]

Locking down a publicly-exposed ssh server


I’ve disabled all authentication types (including PAM)–at least the ones that aren’t disabled by default. Since public key authentication is on by default, I don’t have to change it.