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Tag Archives: tiddlywiki

Setting up bags, recipes, and users in TiddlyWeb(Wiki)


Up to now, I’ve been using TiddlyWeb as a server-hosted version of TiddlyWiki. This is a fraction of what’s possible with TiddlyWeb. One can create bags which are self-contained stores of tiddlers. One can combine these bags using recipes. Different users can have access to different bags and to different recipes. By default, TiddlyWebWiki comes […]

Setting up TiddlyWeb (TiddlyWiki)


I’ve been a fan of TiddlyWiki for a long time now. It’s an HTML file that contains self-editing powers. You download this file, load it in your web browser, and it presents a note-taking application where the notes are stored within that same HTML file (very portable). I really like this functionality, but I’d like […]